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Inspiring Quotes of Rabindranath Tagore

"Rabindranath Tagore, a luminary of Indian literature, art, and music, remains a towering figure whose influence transcends cultural boundaries. Born on May 7, 1861, in Calcutta, Tagore was talented in many things: a poet, philosopher, musician, and artist. He was the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913 for his profoundly sensitive, fresh, and beautiful verses in 'Gitanjali.' This article delves into his inspiring life and shares some of his most memorable quotes.

Rabindranath Tagore hailed from a prominent Bengali family that was deeply rooted in cultural and intellectual pursuits. His early education was unconventional; he was mostly homeschooled, which allowed him the freedom to explore various subjects at his own pace. This unique educational background profoundly influenced his creative works. Tagore’s exposure to diverse philosophies and literatures from an early age was pivotal in shaping his multifaceted talent.

Tagore’s contributions to literature are immense. He wrote over 2,000 songs, numerous poems, short stories, and novels. His works often explore themes of humanism, universalism, and the divine. 'Gitanjali,' his most famous work, is a collection of poems that reflect his spiritual journey and philosophical musings. Apart from literature, Tagore was a skilled painter and a visionary who founded Visva-Bharati University, emphasizing holistic education. His artistic endeavors were aimed at bridging the gap between the East and the West, fostering cultural exchange and understanding.

Memorable Quotes of Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore's words continue to inspire generations. Here are some of his most profound quotes:

1. "You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water."

2. "The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough."

3. "Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark."

4." Facts are many, but the truth is one."

5." Read books when you are free, read minds when you are not."

6." If no one responds your call, then go your own way alone."

7. "Every difficulty slurred over will be a ghost to disturb your repose later on."

8. "The burden of the self is lightened with I laugh at myself."

9."Life is given to us, we earn it by giving it."

10. "Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation.

11."If you shut the door to all errors, truth will be shut out."

12."Never be afraid of the moment thus sings the voice of the everlasting."

13." The small wisdom is like water in a grass, clear, transparent, pure."

14."The great wisdom is like the sea, dark mysterious, impenetrable."

15." The highest education is that which does not merely give us information, but makes our life in harmony with all existence."

16." When you came you cried and everybody smiled with joy; when you go smile and let the world cry for you."

17." The travelers has to knock at every alien door to come to his own, and one has to wander through all the outer worlds to reach the innermost shrine at the end."

18." Depth of friendship does not depend on length of acquaintance."

19." Only in love are unity and duality not in conflict."

20." Let him only see the thorns who has eyes to see the rose."

21." Dreams can never be made captive."

22." The biggest changes in a women's nature are brought by love; in man, by ambition."

23." There is no day nor night, nor form nor color, and never, never word."

24." Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man."

25." The stars are not afraid to appear like fireflies."

26." The real friendship is like fluorescence, it shines better when everything has darken."

27." We cross infinity with every step, we meet eternity in every second."

28." I have lost my dewdrop", cries the flower to the morning sky that lost all its stars."

29." The world loved man when he smiled. The world became afraid of him when he laughed."

30." The sparrow is sorry for the peacock at the burden of its tail."

31." Read books when you are free, read minds when you are not."

32." Love's over brimming mystery joins death and life. It has filled my cup of pain with joy."

33." He who has the knowledge has the responsibility to impart it to the student."

34." Purity, they imagined, was only becoming in those on whom fortune had not smiled. It is the moon which has room or stain, not the stars."

35." Essentially man is not a slave either of himself or of the world, but he is a lover. His freedom and fulfillment is in love."

36." Cloud come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky."

37." If you cry, because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars."

38." Reach high, for stars lie hidden in you. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal."

39." It is very simple to be happy, but it is very difficult to be happy."

40." Don't limit your child to your own learning, for she was born in another time."

42." The sands of desert may be very white and shiny, but i would much rather sow my seeds in black soil."

43." Happiness is like those stars, they don't cover all the darkness, there are gaps between. We make mistakes in life and we misunderstand, yet there remain gaps through which truth is shines."

44."The human soul is its journey from the law to love, from discipline to liberation, from the moral plane to the spiritual."

45." The deepest source of all calamities in history is misunderstanding. For where we do not understand, we can never be just."

46." Love is an endless mystery, for it has nothing else to explain it."


Rabindranath Tagore's legacy is vast and enduring. His works continue to be celebrated worldwide, and his vision for a unified, culturally rich world remains relevant. Tagore’s life is an inspiring testament to the power of creativity, intellectual curiosity, and the pursuit of knowledge. His quotes and writings serve as a beacon of wisdom, guiding countless individuals on their own journeys.

Rabindranath Tagore's life story and quotes offer inspiration and profound insights into the human condition. His contributions to literature, art, and education have left an indelible mark on the world, making him a timeless figure of reverence and admiration.

Read more about Rabindranath Tagore