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5 things that are vital for healthy relationship

Every human being in this world is bond with the string of relationships, which surround them. Some relationships are given by God and some are made by ourselves. We have different experiences with every relationship. some memorable and some painful. Each relationship teaches us a different lesson. In this post we will discuss about maintaining a healthy relationship in a marital life. Choosing a life partner is made by human but marriages are made in heaven and blessed by God. Healthy relationship means there are full of joy, happiness, sharing ups and downs, caring for each other, compromising for each other, understanding each other and many more.

5 things that are vital for healthy relationship in marital life..

  • Love
  • Care
  • Trust
  • Honesty
  • Loyalty

Love in relationship:

Love is main pillar in every relationship. In the same way marital relationship is also standing on the foundation of love. Without love we can’t even imagine of married life. It is only love that binds two people in a marriage together. It renews your bonding in every morning. It is love resolves your disagreements, misunderstandings, disappointments, highs and lows. Love between you and your partner never decreases nor it has any high point to be marginalized. It boosts you to face the challenges, circumstances, deficiencies, hardships, etc. in the life. It also helps you to enjoy the good times happily together.

Care in relationship

In the time of marriage both bride and groom take oath to care and protect each other till the end. Care gives long life and sound environment to a relationship. It gives you and your partner an opportunity to know more about each other. Knowing your partner helps understand their likes and dislikes, which helps both of you to behave in better way accordingly. Care brings downs differences among both of you. It also shows your commitment towards your partner.

Trust in relationship

Trust is the center of your marital life. No need to watch your partner 24x7. Trusting each other makes life easy otherwise it becomes hell. Let us be transparent with our partner. Doing right things but in doubtful way also brings uncertainty in between relationships, sometime it becomes very complex to settle this. Trust building is a continuous process and there should not be gaps in it. There are trust issues in many families and if not resolved it can destroy relationship and it can even come to divorce. So for every couple to be build their relationship, ‘trust’ would be the main ingredient.

Honesty in relationship

You have to be honest with your partner, because the last person you would lie, to whom you love the most. Lying can make you or your partner feel good it’s not something you would want to do as if you want to always feeling good or to make your partner feel good all the time can leave both of you not feeling good at all and can potentially weaken your relationship. Sure hearing truth may be painful and also cause conflict, but if there is no conflict then there is no trust. Conflict shows that who is the one who won’t lie to us and make us a better person by pointing out our mistakes. Being honest will surely help to build strong bonding and trust between you and your partner.

Loyalty in relationship

Loyalty is required in every partnership in work and family. Loyalty means faithful to your partner and telling positive about partner. Thus now how much important is this for you and your partner to be stay loyal to each other as bonding as life partners. Being partners you love each other unconditional and this brings positive feelings. This is equal responsibility of both. One side loyal cannot be worked. Being a one body let every partner should do it to one another, then the partnership union will last long.


Healthy relationship building is gradual process. It can not be made overnight. There are lot of ups and downs in the relationship, despite of these how we decorate it in an innovative way is what that matters. More you work on it, the more beautiful it will be . Our time on this earth is limited. Enjoy your companion as long as on the earth. Live such enjoyable life, years would feel like few days.

man kissing woman's forehead
man kissing woman's forehead