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4 Best ways to raise your children in a positive environment

Becoming a parent is the happiest experience in the world and as well as a great responsibility to give a good parenting. Honestly saying Parenting is one of the toughest job in the world. We worried about how can good parenting be given to the children. Which things are good for children? What type of dress are good to them? How to give a good environment to them? This type of questions arises not only in our mind, but our parents also might have tensed likewise for us when we were young. Definitely every parent wants that their children to become a good person. Every activity matters a lot to the children, because what they see, they imitate it. What they hear, they speak as it is. Children are like clay and parents are like potter. Children shape themselves in a way they get the environment. So primarily it is vital to give a good and positive environment.

Good and Positive Environment

Well, you might be thinking that how can I give good and positive environment to my children? Often or sometimes we use the words like No, Never, Don’t, to refuse or to keep away from things. We feel it is all right, I am disciplining my children, but these words are affecting in our children’s mind, they start to think that my parents are restricting me to do what I like. They are compelling, forcing and imposing their feeling and thoughts on me. It is better to make sure the children understands that why all those things are not good for them. As parents once we do this part effectively with our children. There will be no need to say those negative words again.

Be attentive towards children

We all are work oriented, as the day starts we try to finish work. We keep ourselves busy till the day ends. We hurry to send children to school, rush to office, then come home and get indulged in doing some other work. Sometimes we don’t even notice that what our children said while they was setting out for school. Then sometimes we dive so deeply in the digital world of our mobile, that we just pour out our ideas and thoughts at our children and we won’t even listen to what they have to said. We completely ignore their thoughts and valuable ideas. In this way bonding between parents and children decreases. At times our children are far away from our reach and control. They want to talk to their parents and share their ideas . As parents let us sit together with children, hear them patiently, welcome and accept their constructive ideas, praise them for their good work and make them understand for their wrong doings. Even I would say that we should let our ears be attentive to their every single word. All these things help to maintain strong bonding between parents and children and help children to grow emotionally, intellectually, and morally. It gives an environment of peace, acceptance, frankness, honesty, etc., to the children.

Be a role model

You believe or not every child feels proud of his /her parents. In school, in college, in work place child shares parents work, love, emotions towards building of his/her life. Every child wants to imitate their parents. As we treat others our children also treat others the same way. Children observe their parent’s deeds, behavior, talks, eating, drinking, etc. As parents everything we do, we are watched by our children which impacts them. So let us be sensitive doing things in front of our children and be a role model for them.Home is the first learning place for a child and parents are the first teachers. Likewise, the first ever friends of a child are their parents. During the early stages of life a child knows nobody. Parents are the persons whom they know, trust, share emotions, and play with. When child grows older and older the intimate friendship between child and parents decreases and gap starts to appear. Sometimes the gap becomes very big. This is true that as children grow they go through different surroundings and naturally gap occurs. As parents our friendship with child should go to next level which is called ‘best friends’. In this way we can maintain the intimacy of our relationship with our child not just as father and mother but as the most trusted friend especially in teen age.

Be a mentor

Parents are best mentors for their child because they are with the child more time than any one. They are well known about their child. His/her likes, dislikes, emotions, behavior, etc. It is easy to mentor someone whom we know well. Parents teach child on educational values, spiritual values, moral values, character building, body growth, etc. Sometimes we do neglect to do so, thinking that it is too early to teach, but we need to teach them early. Children grasp things very quick. If we place these values in them in early as they grow, they grow with these. So let us be mentor to our child.


Parenting is not a duty but it is equal responsibility of both father and mother. Bringing up children with good moral values is great work finished by parents. It is written that Whatever the child learns in childhood, child never forgets even in the old days. Nurturing a good human being is a result of good parenting and is great contribution to family, society, country and world.

three children sitting on grass
three children sitting on grass