Inspiring Bible verses for life to grow spiritually
“For God so loved the world that He gave his begotten son whoever believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). God’s love for human is everlasting. Our sins are cleansed through the blood of Jesus Christ so that we could take part in the everlasting life by believing in Him. His holy words give us to have constant faith in Him. These words give hope, encouragement, peace, motivation, guidance, knowledge, wisdom, and much more. The God’s words give us spiritual strength to live our daily life with fearlessness. These words have changed many lives from hopeless to hopeful, discourage to ambitious, negative to positive.
The Bible also teaches us Love, Peace, faithfulness, Forgiveness, endurance. God’s love unique and special than the worldly love. He neither leaves nor forsakes us. Mother may forget her new born child but, He never forsakes us but He has scripted our names in His palm. What a wonderful God we have, who loves us abundantly. His unfailing love surround us and protect us from all evils, all misshapen , diseases, difficulties… let us rejoice such a grate God we have. Lord bless us all.
Inspiring Bible Verses For Life to grow spiritually