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Benefits of Exercise : Why do we need consistency in physical activity

woman doing yoga
woman doing yoga

Exercise is a physical activity which keeps us fit and healthy. There are many types of exercise – Aerobic, yoga, Pilates, strength training, etc., each of them have their own specific motive. If you are a person, who doesn’t do much physical activities then, people must have told you that you should do exercise, it’s really good for your health. These exercise may serve different purpose but there are some benefits they all share. Some these benefits include weight loss, strong muscles, less stress.

In this post we will discuss some of the major long-term benefits of exercise if done on a regular basis. It will take time and determination to exercise after which you will get to enjoy these long-term benefits. However in today’s busy lifestyle it is hard for everyone to do exercise and stay fit. You face many health problems because your lack of physical activities or exercise. There is no need to worry, as it is never too late to start. You can always start slowly and build it up later.

Doing exercise on a regular basis you can achieve following benefits:

Less stress and improved mood

While doing physical activities, Endorphin is released in the brain. Endorphin is a chemical which act as neurotransmitter and as a natural pain killer. It helps to relieve pain, reduce stress, improve mood, and it also aids and helps to reduce anxiety.

When you do an intense exercise you temporarily forget about your life’s tension, and only focus on your body movements. One good example of it is when you are running you only focus on your movements and on path you are running, at that time do you ever think about all that happens in your life. Problems and the stress caused in everyday life are inevitable , but we can try to reduce it by exercising.

Better sleep quality

When you do an intense exercise you tire out your body which results in the decrease of time taken by you to fall asleep. Exercising helps to reset our body’s circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythm is natural clock of our body, which is responsible for the feeling of awakens, when we wake up and feel alert and also for the felling of sleepiness when we are about to sleep.

Generally most of us have messed up circadian due to our daily busy life. But the good thing is that it can be fixed by exercising and other necessary steps.

Balance blood pressure

Regular moderate exercise can help strengthen the muscles of the heart, meaning our heart gets stronger. A strong heart can pump blood more efficiently, thus decreasing the pressure on arteries. It also helps to improve the heart’s ability to pump blood to lungs and throughout the body, as result oxygen and nutrients get supplied better to our body.

Aids in weight lose

It’s no surprise that exercise will help you to lose weight and stay fit. While you exercise the number of calorie your body uses increases and reducing your calorie intake. With regular exercise and a balanced diet can surely help you to lose weight.

Reduces the chances of getting heart diseases

Exercise improves how well blood flows in our vessels and in our heart muscles. It also improves how well our heart pumps blood. It increases the amount of good cholesterol in our body which helps to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in our body. All this reduces the strain on the heart for pumping blood and improves the functioning of cardiovascular system. Thus reducing the chances of having heart diseases.

Increase Energy level

Exercise helps to improves functioning of your cardio vascular system. It helps in improving the supply of oxygen to every cell of your body for performing its function. As the blood flow increases throughout the body and your energy level also increases.


From the above points you would know the benefits of exercise. If you are doing exercise regularly then this might be like motivation to you to continue your good work. However if you are not doing exercise regularly there is no need to be depressed, we can always start small. Select a time and place while you won’t be interrupted for the starting day, try exercising for 10 minutes with moderate intensity and as you keep progressing, increase the time and intensity. Always remember to start slow at first. In the starting you are aiming for the consistency not the intensity.


This post not recommended for medical purpose. This is only for motivation. If you have any medical condition please consult your expert before you start to exercise.